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Weekly Mind Strike #1

A Proper Introduction


So... it's been a while since I wrote here. Quite a lot has happened but before I get into it, I should actually introduce myself.

I'm Lucy, an autistic girl from the UK who makes art, games and other creative things. I recently graduated college and I now have a diploma showing I can do game design good. I've spent the past few months doing... not a lot, mostly just keeping myself alive while slowly working on things but i've decided to finally push myself to do something consistently. I.E. This blog.

So here is how this is going to work, this is now a weekly blog as shown by the name and will update every saturday going forward. I will try to keep this up for as long as possible. Now I tried making a blog for myself back in... October... 2021... yikes, you could probably tell by that reaction that it didn't go well. So hopefully this attempt sticks and I actually make something consistently. Hopefully.

Anyway the purpose of this blog will be to update the people who care about what I make on the things I am up to, as well as the things I'm thinking about, I'm going to predict it will mostly be about games and game design so look forward to that. But for today I wanted to just post this here to show I'm alive and finally working on this website.

See you next Saturday.