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Weekly Mind Strike #2

Let's find a format!


I've returned! I may have a cold but that won't stop me from writing this blog! This week hasn't been that eventful, with the mix of doing work at my internship and feeling like death just kicked me in the face. I don't really have the energy to do much, so to make the rat in my brain happy i'll just write what I wanna do over the next few weeks. First is finding a format for this blog that I can reliably replicate for many months, which might be a challenge but let's see what happens. Second is working on games! The thing I want to have as my career. I haven't really done as much as i'd like to but i'm hoping to kick into gear during this week because I have no sense of taking time off.

Game Plans!

I don't want to go into too much detail, partly because I want to keep things a surprise until I can show stuff off and partly because I'm paranoid someone will take my ideas and make them better than I can. Either way, I need to talk about something so I'll just run through my head and find something worth writing about...

Got it! Let me tell you a little bit about a board game I want to make. Hex Heist is a deckbuilding board game about stealing treasures from a magic museum, everytime you collect an item it is added to your deck of cards and each treasure has an ability, some are good, some are bad, and some are weird. I have a lot of really cool ideas for this but I haven't found the time to write rules, cards, and ideally perform play tests. I'd ideally set a few weeks aside to do play tests with a group of friends and workshop different cards and strategies because I really do think there is an interesting game here! It just needs to be made, and I'm most likely the person who will make it.

Aside from that I also want to get back into making stuff with Godot! I've really enjoyed my time with the engine and I want to make something I can actually release soon. When I do, this website will be the place I tell people about it.

Blog Stuff

I've decided that my weekly deadlines for this blog will be Saturdays at 8PM BST. So be sure to mark that on whatever calander system you use and yell at me if it's late! Aside from that I'm going to aim for a minimum of three talking points per blog (outside the opening and closing paragraphs) as denoted by the new headers you've been seeing here. It'll help make these slightly more digestable and make it easier for me to write more coherent thoughts.

Life of Lucy

So. Because I have a cold I don't really feel like doing much but i'm going to power through. I have plans to organise my game collection (yes I collect video games that shouldn't surprise you) as well as play some games in my backlog while I recover. I'll let you know how that goes, I might even write some reviews if I feel like it. It depends on if I have anything interesting to say.

I think that's enough for this week, hopefully in by next time I won't be sick. Either way, see you next week.