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Weekly Mind Strike #4

Low energy, low output


Hey, it's me again! something you may gather after reading this is I haven't really done much lately. On the plus side I finally recovered from that cold! But aside from that I haven't really done much. But I plan to at least make up for that a little with this blog post, so let's dive in.

Game ideas, never finished.

So I haven't started work on the game jam game I mentioned last week. So to make up a little bit for it I've decided I'm going to write some notes about it here.

The core idea is that you play as a magic sword given the ability to possess objects. But the big question is, how will that work in a Metroidvania setting? How I was thinking it would work is that the abilities you unlock through exploring the world are different ways of interacting with objects through possession. Playing Ghost Trick gave me quite a few interesting ideas for different abilities but they will definitely need to be tested.

Review Time

As mentioned last week I played Ghost Trick & as of this week I've finished it! So since I have a lot I wanna say here is my Ghost Trick Review. If you don't feel like reading it here is a summary. I love the story, the music is incredible and the gameplay mechanics are well developed and get my design brain really excited to put my own spin on them.

Life of Lucy

Again I really didn't do much this week but I'd like to take some time to talk about something. Why I'm doing this. The reason is that despite all my promises I rarely keep them, this is mostly due to all of the things I'm wanting to do being non required. I don't need to make a game jam game or make a comic or make music. But since I don't need to make any of those things to keep myself alive and since my financial situations are taken care of. I don't have any kind of innate pressure to work on anything. This is the plight I've been dealing with for the last few months after leaving my game design course. Now that I'm not required to make things as part of an asignment my brain refuses to work on anything. Which I deeply hate and currently results in me getting mad at myself for relaxing when I could be working which makes me more stressed and forces me to relax more than I would if that stress wasn't there.

It's a self inflicted cycle of feeling like I'm not doing enough while using the mental energy that could go towards making things instead to just bully myself. It isn't fun. I think a way for me to solve this is to add a segment into the blog that is required for me to post it. A segment that requires me to show off something I've made, whether small or big it just needs to be something I can talk about and show evidence I made it. So hopefully stay tuned for that. For now I need to sleep, I'll try and get some stuff done during the next few days. Key word being try.