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Weekly Mind Strike #5

I didn't forget!


It's December! Which means we have officially entered the chrimby season! Cold nights, warm fires, holiday spirits high and actual snow here in the UK! Never thought I'd see it snow in December ever again but I'm glad it's happening. But aside from that you may have noticed todays blog is a day late, and to that I say


It's been a draining week for your girl as I've struggled to keep myself functioning, weekends feel shorter than normal and every workday evening is cut short by me passing out as soon as I get home. Doing creative work in these conditions is... challenging but I'm trying my best to remedy it. How you may ask? ...I don't know yet. But I'll figure it out! hopefully at least.

Also, I never did write that ghost trick review. You might ask why and the reason is quite simple and you know it by now. I was tired. It should be up by the time next week's blog has been published... I hope.

Road map for the future

To give you more insight into how I work (and also so I understand what I'm meant to be doing) I'm currently creating a road map for my creative projects. Specifically I'm figuring out the order in which I need to make things for this website! Because I want this thing to be no longer have "coming soon" text all over the place but to do that I need work to populate the pages with those banners, which at the time of writing are: art, music & portfolio. I'm planning to tackle them in that order, so first up is art!

I do have some art I can show off but I'm also my own worst critic and don't really think my old stuff is any good so I'm trying to get myself to draw again, which after about three months of not doing so is extremely hard as my muscle memory has taken a hit and any skill I was halfway through learning is now gone. So to aid in this a future segment will be me showing off my art and giving detailed thoughts on what I'm doing and why. this should give a decent insight into the artistic process and also give me a reason to do daily drawing practice, a thing I've kept saying I should be doing for ages without actually doing it. These pieces of "art" & their respective words will be featured in the new segment Strike the Canvas. Coming next week... Promise.

Update to Life of Lucy

I've realised that this segment is extremely prone to feeling like it's repeating itself (mostly because I'm boring and not doing much right now). So I've decided to make this segment a monthly effort and in it's place will be new segments that should be more interesting to read and don't sound like the diary of the world's least interesting shut-in. There might be more than one a month if something interesting is happening or if I have something to say, but for now it's just going to be once a month.

So what's going to replace it? here's one of the segments.

Creative Recreation

the purpose of this is to catalogue things I make specifically because I want to make them. So this will include games I'm making, things I want to write (comics and or short stories) & other creative things I have an interest in pursuing. For this week thought it is just the announcement of this segment alongside the footnote that I've begun rebuilding my notion workshop so I have somewhere to place my to-do lists and such. So hopefully things will all work out and there will be a blog next week that is actually on time.

For now though I'm calling it here, again sorry for the slowness from me to the... like 3 people who read this. I should become entertaining sometime around the start of 2024.